
Showing posts from February, 2018

Where should I put all my files? Cloud vs. Local storage

                 Where to store your files is becoming one of the biggest questions facing the tech industry today.   Should we as a company ‘go to the cloud’ or keep our files locally?      Why should we as a company spend the money on file storage infrastructure when we can pay a service to do it for us? While both solutions have their advantages, they both have some nasty disadvantages as well.   In this post, we will discuss those advantages and disadvantages and what they could mean for your company. What is the Cloud?   A quick Google search shows (after 4 Google Ads at the top of the page) a result from which states: “… cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. ” (“What is Cloud Computing”, May 3, 2016 ) And while this gives a pretty good explanation of what the Cloud is, it can be summed up a bit simpler:   …the Clou